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Wenn die freie Zeit zu haben, was sollten Sie tun? Nur schlafen oder Sitz in Ihrem Hause? Voll Ihre freie Zeit durch Lesen. Beginnen Sie mit zur Zeit, Sie Zeit haben, um von unschätzbarem Wert sein. Eine zu erweitern, dass kann Material auschecken; Dazu ist es , By James Barr Dieses Buch ist für seine die Materialanalyse nicht nur angeboten wird. Sie verstehen, von dem Titel sowie den Namen des Autors zu sehen, sollten Sie verstehen, wie die Qualität dieser Publikation. Auch der Autor und Titel sind nicht die, die Führung ist gut oder anderweitig bestimmt, können Sie t mit der Erfahrung vergleichen und auch Know-how, das der Schreiber hat.
, by James Barr

PDF-Download , by James Barr
Warum müssen sich die Mühe man wählen , wenn es sehr einfach ist? Erhalten Sie den Gewinn durch das Buch zu erwerben , By James Barr unten. Sie werden verschiedene Mittel erhalten , um ein Schnäppchen sowie zu machen , wie dies erhalten Guide , By James Barr Wie zu erkennen, heutzutage. Soft - Dokumente von Führungen , By James Barr am Ende unter den Nutzern bevorzugt bis zu werden. Bist du eine von ihnen? Und auch hier liefern wir Ihnen die brandneue Kollektion von uns, die , By James Barr.
Doch nichts ist in diesem Leben unmöglich. Sie könnten bekommen genau das, was Sie denken wirklich so gut wie erhalten für etwas brandneue tun wollen. Allerdings wird die Annahme große Praxis, die sicherlich viele Herausforderungen haben. Aber, um die Mühe zu verwinden, geben wir Ihnen eine Überweisung sorgsame Analyse zu beginnen.
, By James Barr ist eine Art von Veröffentlichung mit wirklich herausragenden Ideen zu erkennen. Wie der Schriftsteller Start Sie zu beeinflussen, genau wie der Autor die Motivationen erhält, wie dieses Buch zu erstellen, und auch, wie der Schriftsteller einen erstaunlichen Kopf hat, dass Sie diese fantastische einfache Veröffentlichung zur Verfügung stellen zu lesen. Wie wir früher erwähnt, die , By James Barr enthält wirklich etwas gewidmet. Wenn Sie eine solche perfekte sowie Ziel haben, um tatsächlich zu bekommen, kann diese Veröffentlichung die Führung sein, es zu erobern. Sie können nicht nur die Know-how erhalten nun Ihre Aufgabe oder Aufgaben im Zusammenhang. Sie werden noch mehr Punkte bekommen.
Die Möglichkeit, Sie dieses Buch zu lesen ist auf der Kraft basiert nicht, es zu lesen. es wird sicher fühlen Sie sich wirklich zu machen beginnen, dass diese Veröffentlichung wirklich richtig ist in dieser Zeit zu überprüfen. Wenn in einigen Fällen werden Sie auch Ihre Vorschläge direkt in ein Buch schreiben, zu entdecken Art dieses Buch ist eine hervorragende Möglichkeit. , By James Barr ist nicht nur die Lese Veröffentlichung. Es ist ein Buch, die eindrucksvolle Erfahrung der ganzen Welt. Das Buch motiviert bessere Zukunft zu erhalten. Dies ist der Grund, warum Sie sollten diese Veröffentlichung lesen, auch die Soft-Dokumente Buch, können Sie es bekommen. Dies ist genau das, was Sie benötigen zur Zeit Ihr Konzept der Gewohnheit zu testen.

Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 4270 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 384 Seiten
Verlag: Bloomsbury Publishing; Auflage: 1 (7. November 2011)
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
ASIN: B006072QSG
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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
1 Kundenrezension
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#333.723 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
Lawrence of Arabia has become a household name in history. How it came to that is brilliantly set out in `Setting the Desert on Fire` by James Barr:The British needed a counterweight to the caliphate in Istanbul and sided with Sharif Husein, emir of Mecca, who - with British financial and military support - instigated the revolt which ultimately led to the wresting Damascus from the hands of the Turks. T. E. Lawrence, a British Intelligence officer, early realized that guerilla warfare was the only way to deal small but ultimately mortal blows to the otherwise too powerful Turkish forces in Syria and the Hijaz. Thus he started winning various Arab tribes for his cause and attacked the Turkish supply lines on the Hijaz Railways. Supported by General Edmund Allenby's attack on the coast in 1918 T. E. Lawrence finally managed to push up to Damascus with Feisal, one of Sharif Husein's sons.The rewards, territorial gains and independence promised were of a limited nature though since the Sykes-Picot-Agreement already decided on the future spheres of influence between the British and the France (Feisal became king in British controlled Iraq, Abdullah, his brother, king in Transjordan) early during the war.Gripping, hard to put the book away!
Scholarly but very readable account of the Arab Uprising. I liked Barr's extensive use of sources other than T.E. Lawrence. His description of how and why Britain decided to support a backwater Middle Eastern revolt in the first place is very well written. Britain was pouring money into Arabia; without T.E. Lawrence's organizational skills that money would have been wasted, the funds would have been cut off, and the Revolt would have failed. The Arabs may feel they got a raw deal, but it was probably the best deal possible at the time.Those expecting a novel (the cover art may fool you) or an easy read will be disappointed. The title is from Lawrence's description of Emir Feisal in Seven Pillars of Wisdom, and Lawrence took the photograph used for the cover. (He used photography as an archeologist and map maker before the war.) The book is well sourced; it has a bibliography, an index, footnotes, maps, and a list of people. The list was very helpful, because this is a story with dozens of characters. Barr inserts little descriptions of places he visited during his research. I found these interesting. Some places haven't changed much in a hundred years; other places (like Aqaba) are completely transformed.Setting the Desert On Fire isn't about Lawrence of Arabia, it is about Britain's role in the Arab Revolt. Lawrence was an important part of the story, so he's used as the fulcrum. The romantic image of Lawrence of Arabia was used to sell the book. This is unfortunate, but I'm glad I wasn't put off by the publisher's marketing.
Well worth the read for several reasons: Gives the reader a better perspective of the extremely complex situation. Includes information from the German side I have not seen before. Provides information on the present state of many historic sites. I would like to see more from the Turk and German side in any future attempts to deal with this. I assume that angle has been written but never published widely in English.Chapter 19 on the Dera episode is perhaps somewhat unkind. Of course one cannot not be perfectly clear on the single missing page in Lawrence's diary. I would have like to have seen photos of the adjacent pages, a mention of the possibility that Mrs. Shaw may have removed it, a mention of evidence going against the author's theory (in that there is a statement of a military doctor who treated Lawrence soon after the Dera incident and there are statements by other colleagues saying that they did not question that the event did in fact occur and why).One never is able to chose the order of their books, but this book is best savored after reading Seven Pillars of Wisdom (1922 Oxford Edition), Safety Last, and Orientations. Better to read the word of TEL's fellow officers before taking on the modern perspective.The author obviously loves his subject and has done his work extremely well.
For anyone who doubts the adage "that those who ignore the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them" then this is the book for them. Barr not only looks at Lawrence's role in the desert revolt of 1917 to 1918 but also the convoluted dealings of Britain and France in the Sykes-Picot accord and its consequences for the Middle East today.The book is well researched with copious notes and references and extensive bibliography. There are also photographs of many of the people and places mentioned in the text. The book examines the reason for Britain's involvement in the region, the tensions between the India Office and its support for the ibn Saud family and the Egypt Office and its support for the ibn Husain family and the tensions between the Arab tribes themselves and the lack of a clear aim for the revolt. It also examines in some detail how the British government wanted to distance itself from the Sykes-Picot accord as the war progressed and the French insistence that it be honoured.The only criticism I have is that the author has a tendency to interpose his own observations of the sites of events in the middle of the text about those events without the benefit of separate paragraph. Apart from this the book is an excellent read and well worth its purchase for anyone interested in the region, the desert revolt or T. E. Lawrence.
This book has good potential, telling the tale of the Arab revolt against the Turks in WWI, but spends too much time describing, in much more than needed detail, the many day to day meetings between this tribal chief and that British officer, who traveled when to where, and which dispatch said this and that to some other diplomat back in France or England or wherever. As a strict history it does cover the subject, but it's a somewhat boring read unless you are really interested in the politics. Recommended with caution.
If you enjoyed the movie "Lawrence of Arabia" or read TE Lawrence' 7 Pillars of Wisdom, then you will really like this book. It gives you the truth of the actual events, combat, and political machinations that created the Middle East of today - and the continuing problems between tribes (now governments) and their origins.Well worth the read.
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